I do agree about stability. Linux is fairly picky on your hardware, and I've had my share of trouble with Linux. I've had to reinstall Linux countless times, a good portion were my fault, messing with things I probably shouldn't lol. But once you find your place, it's fine. WSL is SUPER slow. I mean, once you actually experience Linux Bash you will notice the difference...so much so you'll be like, yup, back to Linux.
You just haven't given it enough time. You obviously probably got introduced to Gnome as your first intro to Linux. Gnome is suppose to Apple-like. Which just goes to show how terrible Apple is. At any rate, if you really want to stick to a Windows-like UI, you should try using KDE Plasma. You can even make it look exactly like Windows with a simple theme change. Well, almost exactly, anyways.
I use an AMD 8650FX Black on a ASUS Sabertooth II mobo with an ASUS ROG Strix 1080TI. No problems. I also use a Soundblaster Zx soundcard with no problems.
There are SOME compatibility issues mostly when it comes to software. There are some Windows programs you'll probably miss. In most cases you'll find a suitable replacement that you'll wonder where that's been all your life. And sometimes you won't and you'll have to deal with dual booting or perhaps if you're able, buy another computer...one dedicated to Linux, the other Windows.
Personally, the ONLY reason I boot into Windows these days is to play games that won't run on Linux. I go days without doing this so.
Try POP!_OS. It doesn't get anymore user-friendly than that and is perfect for beginners. You'll have to install KDE Plasma your self as it ships with GNOME (which to me, is a crappy UI personally). You won't regret it.
BTW....Mac and Linux are born from the same fires called UNIX. If you find MacOS user-friendly, you should find Linux even more easier once you learn the nuances. Linux is not so crazy with security things like MacOS is. You will enjoy software freedom. That is...unless you like being told what you can and cannot do with our stuff...lol.